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Facility Characteristics


Process Diagrams in Permits Flows & Flow Ranges Primary Receiving Water Searchable Permits (NPDES/WDR/NOA) Funding Resources Project Designation

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Resource Recovery Statistics


Water Reuse (Flow|Application|Region) Biosolids (Production|Disposal|Region) Energy-CHP (Fuel Class | Prime Mover | Region) Climate Action - EPA eGrid Climate Action Details (Coming)

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Processes, Technologies, Mfg's & Supplier Directories


Technologies by Process Type Technologies by Manufacturer Rep's & Distributors by Manufacturer Rep's & Dist's by Process & Tech Rep Linecards Local Service & Support Directory

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Regional Water Board Directory


A Regional Board locator, complete with a summary description of the Region, affected watersheds, website access to specific regional boards, and contact email address and telephone number.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us using email.

Where does the data and information come from?

Our data and information comes from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the State of California Water Boards, city and municipal public websites and authorized treatment plant visits.

How fresh is your data?

Our data tables are generally populated within a few weeks of receiving the raw data. If a facility adds information by using our input form, it generally takes less time.

I've found data in the system that is a year or two old. Why?

We receive our data on a quarterly, annual or semi-annual basis. Our updates are processed as received.

Your site references Industrial Genetics. Who are they?

Industrial Genetics is the division of UpstreamH2O that connects manufacturers services with municipalities that wish to speed up service and support from the supplier.